Saturday, December 15, 2007

Categorically Not! - "Beginnings"

It is time for yet another interesting collection of talks at the Santa Monica Art Studios which will be given by Chuck Steidel (MacArthur fellow at Caltech, working in Astronomy), Reza Aslan (writer and religious scholar), and Douglad Gerry (composer, guitarist, and audio engineer). The series has been organized by K.C. Cole, who has this great ability to bring together experts from all sorts of different fields, pick a topic and then ponder over a ground that is common to all these subject matters. I absolutley enjoy going to these talks and talking with people afterwards. For those of you who live on the west side of town and have been watching too much T.V. on the weekends, I highly encourage coming over to the Hangar and whetting your intellectual side. You can find out more about the talks here.

The talk is going to start at 6:30 pm on Dec. 16th.

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